Support SmartSindh

SmartSindh is a dream career kickstarter for every student. Each brick we put here together will help build a prosperous Sindh. You can join us as a mentor and share your value, time, and expertise with us. Or you can also assist us with financial aid.

Here are a few ways you can become a part of this cause.

Mentor a Student/Graduate

Help end the hunt for “where to begin” by mentoring a student or graduate. Your mentorship can change the outcomes of someone’s efforts. Today, you mentor someone. Tomorrow, they will mentor someone else. It’s a chain reaction that will enlighten generations after generations.

Host a Mentorship Event

Change someone’s life from the flexibility of your home and at the flexibility of your schedule. Host a mentorship event and share value and expertise with a group of students, graduates or individuals who have just begun their career.

Raise Funds/Donations

SmartSindh uses your donations and funds to create mass impact through maximum reach, research work, mentorship events, and establishing digital solutions for smarter and prosperous next generation. Our goal is to positively impact millions of lives in Sindh.

Become a Supporter
Ready to share happiness and success across Sindh? Please provide the details in this form and we will get back to you.